Tuesday, December 02, 2003

"It's toasty in here"

Irene walked into the office & said "It's toasty in here" to which I replied, "It should be warm. We're in Christmas Music Hell."

You can call me a Grinch or a Humbug or whatever you want - Christmas music gets on my nerves after about 5 minutes. If I have to listen to Disney characters sing carols or "Elmo Saves Christmas" for the next 24 days, well, I can't be held responsible for what carnage may ensue.

There are a few holiday tunes I can handle. Some of them I listen to all during the year. Others are only broken out to counteract having to hear Mannheim Steamroller & Celine Dion over & over again:

The 12 Days of Christmas - Bob & Doug Mackenzie
Santa & His Old Lady - Cheech & Chong
Father Christmas - The Kinks
Santa Baby - Everclear
Let It Snow - Luscious Jackson
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
Baby Please Come Home - U2
Please Come Home For Christmas - The Eagles
You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - from the cartoon version, not the crapfest that came out a couple years ago
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Both the Peanuts & Nat "King" Cole versions
O, Holy Night - The South Park version (the only holiday song to include a cattle prod)
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Little Saint Nick - The Beach Boys (although Sugar Ray did a pretty good version, too)
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight) - The Ramones
I Am Santa Claus (done to the tune of Iron Man) - Bob Rivers
2000 Miles - The Pretenders
Pretty much any Bing Crosby or Brian Setzer Christmas tune

My musical tastes are...um...scary, to say the least.