Thursday, June 26, 2003

A new post & then it's off to hunt for more work. Oh, joy.



8:45a – A Note To The Idiot On The Freeway

Dear Moron in the Teal Green T-Bird –
In case you didn’t notice, the freeway was a little wet this morning. Being Californians, most of us don’t know how to drive on rain slicked freeways. We freak out when there’s dew on the car. Any minute now, Channel 4 News should be sending out their people to report on “Stormwatch 2003”, as they tend to do when more than 3 drops of precipitation fall in Southern California.

Since we tend to get a bit skittish on wet roads, it’s probably not a good idea for you to dart in & out of cars that are only 1 car length apart from each other while doing 90 mph. I realize that you are far more important than the rest of us & deserve to get where you want to go because you are just so * special *. Just be warned that if you get into an accident in front of me, causing me to be stuck in traffic for an hour because you didn’t have enough frickin’ sense to slow down, when I get to the accident scene, I will pull over…I will get out of my truck…I will walk over to your twisted wreck of a car…& I will punch you in the nose.


12:36p - June Gloom

It’s still cool & grey outside. The smell of moisture is heavy in the air. It seems quieter even. Although I am a desert rat through & through & need the heat, I love this kind of weather. It reminds me of fall. It’s funny how you change as you get older. As a kid, you can’t wait for school to be out & summer to start. Then you get older & you find that the other seasons have certain charms. The smell of orange blossoms in spring. The color of the leaves in fall. A walk under a crisp, starlit winter night.

I myself am a fall person. Autumn has taken its place as “Favorite Season” (& not just because my birthday’s in October - only 4 more shopping months!). I’ve tried to distance myself from the Halloween-type festivities, for personal & spiritual reasons, although “The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow” is still my favorite Halloween story & a haunted house is always oodles of fun. There’s just something about autumn. Clear starry skies. Cooler days & nights. A warm fire at a friend’s house. Trips to the pumpkin patch with the Boy. The apple orchards & shops in Oak Glen get all done up in their 1700’s style garb. Let me tell you, there is nothing better than a slice of fresh apple pie & a cup of hot cider in Oak Glen. Ah, sounds like a little piece of Heaven.